Mothers Of PreSchoolers (MOPS)

MOPS Dates (2023-2024)

A typical MOPS meeting includes practical teaching through speakers, demonstrations, and videos. Plus, there’s food…food you didn’t make!

Most importantly, you’ll get to have honest conversations with other moms who understand the joys and frustrations of motherhood.

We hold our monthly meetings on the SECOND Friday of each month. Some months also include a DIY craft. All months include childcare!

We also throw in an occasional Mom’s Night Out (MNO) for additional opportunities to get together for dinner or a fun activity. Follow our Facebook page for more details.

Mama, this is our chance for a fresh start. Here’s to a year of living the life to the fullest. Lord, let MOPS be a group where mothers can find rejuvenation, support, and FRIENDSHIP!