Since we started in 2010, the outreach team with Reaching Beyond International (RBI) has been working to empower the immigrant community in Nashville, Tennessee by providing free English classes (ELL), computer classes, and basic life skills programs – as well as Creole classes for missionaries to Haiti.
RBI built a permanent medical facility in Pernier II, Road to Saut-d’Eau, Haiti – able to conduct mobile clinics in several remote areas including Dan-Gryen (La Gonave), Marose (Gonaives) and Jeanton (Saint-Marc).
To learn more about how you can get involved, email Maromy Samuel:
[email protected]
Check out our projects below. How you can support RBI’s mission is written in bold/ALL CAPS.
Van Mullen Medical Clinic

RBI is proud to be building the Van Mullen Medical Clinic in Haiti. The building is up and running. The ultimate plan is sustainability, and we’re closer than ever before! Donate specifically to the clinic here.
There are up to 100,000 people whom this clinic can serve, who otherwise would be hours away from the nearest medical care. Besides medical care, the clinic provides education on sanitation, prevention of transmissible diseases, nutrition, perinatal, and dental health.
There were minor damages in the 2021 earthquake.
In 2022, RBI hired nurses to staff the clinic. In 2023, the clinic threw its GRAND OPENING! In 2024, Dr. Samuel gave this joyful update.
Check out these pictures from the grand opening:

Haitian Legacy Project
Through the Haitian Legacy Project, we aim to acquire a 5-10 acres of property in the suburbs of Nashville, preferably with a standing building within 30- to 45-minute commuting distance from First Church of the Nazarene and downtown Nashville. Preferably, this property will have access to metro public transportation as well.
We aim to build practical ministries and give a sense of stability to our Haitian congregation as we continue to bridge the gap with our community. This project will facilitate the spiritual, social, and educational development of all groups and ages.
The new property will be useful in the following: a welcoming center for the migrants, an alternative venue for community events and retreats, transitional housing for new refugees, and a place of partnership with various faith-based organizations.
DONATE: We aim to raise $300,000 – $100K by December 2022. Help us achieve this vision and further God’s kingdom in underserved populations.
Medical Missions
RBI’s medical mission trips involve both medical and non-medical team members. Teams work in Pernier II and other communities. Participants touch lives both physically and spiritually.
Our mission trips are saving lives! There are always cases of life-threatening medical emergencies during our trips. Without our medical team present, these cases would have likely resulted in death.
The accessibility to healthcare is limited for many underprivileged families in developing countries, such as Haiti. According to the WHO and World Bank Group report, about 400 million people do not have access to essential health services.
Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world. The motivation of RBI is to show the love of God to a needy world by providing much-needed medical resources.
Our health center in Haiti provides essential medical care for the people living in the remote area of Pernier II and its surroundings. Through this outpatient clinic, we are expanding the healthcare options to provide general consultations, natal care, minor surgical procedures, dental, and nutrition care. This even includes a pharmacy and a laboratory.
You can make a difference today.
GO WITH US: We welcome all medical skills in various health care settings, including the non-medical. If you have a desire to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the hurting, RBI can use you.
SPONSOR A STAFF MEMBER: You can sponsor a local staff member to work at the clinic or volunteer to go.
GIVE TODAY: Help us purchase much-needed medications and other materials. You can also donate a financial contribution to fund the efforts.
PRAY WITHOUT CEASING: Pray for God to supply the needs and empower our teams.
Center for Children & Youth Empowerment
Education is the key to break the circle of poverty. Unfortunately, many parents in Haiti cannot afford to pay the required fees to put their kids to schools.
In March 2018, RBI opened the Center for Children & Youth Empowerment to allow young people in those local Haitian communities to learn conversational English, computer classes, music, and sports.
In addition, we introduced the “Goat Project” in partnership with the Central District.
SPONSOR A TEACHER: Sponsor a teacher, trainer, or coach.
PURCHASE SHOES: Purchase a pair of shoes for the youth in these local Haitian communities.
GIVE A GOAT: Your gift of $75 will purchase a goat that will breed to provide more goats and milk to distribute to the youth.
Water Wells
In 2011, after the cholera outbreak, RBI raised enough money to build water wells in eight villages around Haiti.
One of the water wells is in Pernier II. This well is particularly great for the women and children who are usually tasked to carry water for their families.
Your contributions will provide clean, sustainable, safe water to the community.
SPONSOR A WATER WELL: It costs $5,000 to build a well and $300 to maintain it annually.