Team Kenya Outreach (TKO) is proud to share news about the TKO Poultry Project on the Hope Farm in Lodwar, Kenya. SPONSOR A CHICKEN is the next way you can help the Poultry Project in Kenya. Watch the video below for more details. Click here to sponsor a chicken.
With technical assistance from Tyson Foods and One Egg, we have finished the construction of four structures in Lodwar, Kenya. Three structures will house 1900 laying hens. The fourth will raise chicks and pullets.
After overhead, labor, feed, and vet services, the Poultry Project plans on making 8%-10% “profit” each year – meaning this will be a sustainable special project after we get it off the ground.

TKO has been able to establish a working farm (Hope Farm) in Lodwar, Kenya that helps sustain the local community in various ways. Now, we are expanding the farm to include egg-laying hens to further improve the community’s lives and health.
Nashville First Church of the Nazarene took a missions trip to Lodwar, Kenya in March 2022 to help establish and jump-start the Poultry Project. In 2023, three chicken houses were active out of four.