510 Sports (formerly NazRec) provides a variety of opportunities for community members of all ages to engage in sports leagues, activities, and community events. Check out their new website for more details on scheduling, etc.: https://510sports.org

For more information, please contact our 510 SportsDirectors:
Lucas Baggott – [email protected]

Titans Parking
510 Sports provides parking at 510 Woodland Street in East Nashville for Titan home games. Cost for home game parking is about $50 per ticket. You can buy a season ticket parking pass to get a reserved parking spot one game’s worth of parking for FREE. Only a couple parking passes left!
Email Lucas Baggott to get your PARKING PASS: [email protected]
High Road Runners
Have you ever wanted running companions? High Road Runners has you covered! This weekly event provides community members with a space for exercising and fellowship while running or walking in small groups each Saturday at 8:00 AM. The group meets in the parking lot on the 6th Street side of the church at 510 Woodland Street in East Nashville. High Road Runners looks to, “Run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” (Hebrews 12:1) We hope to see you there!
Summer Basketball Camp
510 Sports hosts an annual basketball camp to provide students the opportunity to grow their love of basketball, athletic abilities, and teamwork skills. Not only is this camp a good form of much needed exercise for youth, but it also allows us to reach out to our community through athletic competition.